Water in Finland purest in the world

Boy dive-bombing into the water, at a beach in Finland.

Easy access to the world’s purest drinking water. An excellent reason to visit or be thankful for living in Finland.

Happy Finland keeps its smile in 2019

Happiness double rainbow

Happy to be named the happiest country for another year. Finland continues to smile on in 2019, as was the case for many years before

Greeting a Finn: saying hello in Finnish

Huge Brown Bear waving Hello

Greetings are an important part of everyday life. Mastering the basics is always best in any pursuit! Especially conversation.

Healthcare in Finland remains world-class in 2018

Healthcare overview showing the different related aspects

Finnish healthcare is in the top 8 for EU countries according to the 2018 Euro Health Consumer Index by Health Consumer Powerhouse.

Finland and Finnish Culture

People gathering around Jyväsjärvi lake in the center of Jyväskylä

Like a different world compared to life in England. Regardless of the challenges, the benefits of life in Finland far outweigh them.

Treatment of heart diseases in Finland

A doctor discussing treatment with a patient

Since the 1970s, heart diseases were common in Finland. This long struggle compelled Finnish doctors to develop new treatment methods.

First-class cancer treatment for patients in Finland

A pink breast cancer awareness ribbon on a wooden table

Finland is a model country for cancer treatment. Patients excellent survival rate result of high-quality medical education.